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New Year’s Resolutions You Can Actually Keep

New Years Resolutions

We’ve made it to 2021! Now, this past year has been taxing on many of us and I’m incredibly thankful to be here, have my health & family. I’m sure that 2020 put a lot of things into perspective for us as we reflected upon this year. I’m choosing to ease into 2021 slowly & with grace. In fact, I didn’t start being “productive” until Jan 3rd. I listened to my mind, body and heart & that’s exactly what it needed.

Practice Gratitude

I completely understand how it’s easy to look at all of the things that went wrong, or could be better, or what we wish we had–but I’m finding that it brings me more peace to think about all of things I do have. Do you believe in the law of attraction? I do. Think positively, & positive things come to you. At the very least, do it for your mental health. If you’re constantly thinking about the not-so-great parts of life, it puts you in a bad mood which snowballs to other parts of your life.

Move Your Body

After the holidays & all the delicious food we’ve had, you usually see people promising themselves they’ll be in the gym, getting their body right for the new year. There was even a joke I’ve heard of how all the gyms are usually full on Jan 1st. (obviously not this year-bc *pandemic* but, you get it!) Now, I’ll be real with you, I AM one of those people trying to be ♪up in the gym just working on my fitness♫ Except, the gym is my living room & I won’t be putting an enormous pressure on myself. I do it on my time, in my own way. I created my own workout & so far, it’s working for me. With us being in quarantine, I’ve realized just how sedentary I’d become. So, if you can just move, stretch, perhaps even take a walk once a day, you’ll definitely thank yourself for it later.

Make Healthier Choices

The easiest way to do this is to smart small. Maybe you incorporate more greens into your meals, decide to go to sleep an hour or two earlier, cut back on alcohol–whatever it is, the point is to take small steps in a way that works for you. You gradually get into a routine, and then you can increase from there!

I’m choosing to have hope for 2021 and want to remind you all to please be gentle with yourselves xx

Do you have any new years resolutions? Let me know below!

Actually Arielle



Follow @arielletillett